Video from talk by Thomas Wagner from CSCP in Wuppertal is online (in English)!

Was kennzeichnet Initiativen der Sharing Economy? Was sind ihre Bedarfe, welche Herausforderungen und Perspektiven sehen sie? Wer sind ihre Zielgruppen und wie sehen sie Motive ihrer Nutzer? Thomas Wagner vom CSCP in Wuppertal liefert Antworten auf diese Fragen auf Basis einer Befragung im Rahmen der Studie „Listening to Sharing Economy Initiatives“.
What characterizes sharing economy initiatives? What are their needs and demands? Which challenges do they face and what prospects to they see for themselves? Who are their target groups and what are the motives of their consumers? Thomas Wagner from the CSCP in Wuppertal provides answers to these questions based on a survey conducted in the “Listening to sharing Economy Initiatives” study.

Weiter unten finden Sie den Foliensatz zum Vortrag zum Download sowie den link zur Studie.
Below you can find and download the slides for the talk and you can find the link to the study.


Thomas Wagner at the i-share Symposium 2015.pdf